A Unique Funeral Service

Earlier this year, a close friend of mine passed away. This sweet woman was incredibly unique. Besides adoring vintage clothing, she always had extremely short hair. After her death, her son wanted to plan a funeral service with her unique style in mind. So, he immediately started working with the helpful staff at a respected funeral home in our hometown. After relaying his desires to the professional employees at the funeral home, my friend’s son decided to omit a viewing on the night before the funeral. Instead, he had the funeral home staff bring his mother’s body to the church two hours before the funeral service. He also gave anyone who wanted to speak at the funeral service an opportunity. On this blog, I hope you will discover the wonderful ways the staff at a funeral home can help you plan a unique funeral for a loved one.

Planning A Funeral For A Friend


Sometimes, all you have in life are your friends. For a variety of reasons, some people do not have family who is there for them. Some people do not have family around because familial relations have been strained for a number of years. Other individuals may not have any living relatives left. No matter the reason, having friends around makes life happier, and better in general. If you have a friend that has recently passed on and they did not have any family around for them, you may find yourself tasked with helping with the funeral. Here are three things that you should do when planning the funeral of a friend. 

Publish an obituary in the newspaper of their hometown

If there is a chance that your friend has living relatives that they just have not spoken with, you should publish an obituary for them. Publish the obituary in the paper of their hometown or any place that they state they lived in with family. This will give any family time to come forward in order to come and help plan the funeral. Their family may also decide to still stay strained, in which case, you and the rest of the friendship circle can proceed with the funeral as planned. 

Divide up the tasks

A friend dying is always difficult to receive emotionally. This can make funeral planning an emotional event. Instead of trying to do everything yourself, gather several friends and all of you can divide up tasks. If one person can take care of the insurance, while another select the casket and funeral home, and another to create the funeral invitations and programs. Once every few days, everyone should get together and update on the progress. That way every part of the funeral planning is happening on time and anyone who needs extra help can get it as soon as possible. 

Pack up their space as a get-together

Getting together with friends is something that happens in most friendship circles. Make a get-together night or weekend where all the closest friends of the deceased come together and clean out their living space. Going through their things will give you a chance to have fun with them one last time. This will also let you prepare the space to be sold or given back to the landlord. Pack up the items and distribute them as your friends will states as one last friendship favor to them. 

For more information, contact a company like Shepherd Funeral Home today.


10 March 2019