A Unique Funeral Service

Earlier this year, a close friend of mine passed away. This sweet woman was incredibly unique. Besides adoring vintage clothing, she always had extremely short hair. After her death, her son wanted to plan a funeral service with her unique style in mind. So, he immediately started working with the helpful staff at a respected funeral home in our hometown. After relaying his desires to the professional employees at the funeral home, my friend’s son decided to omit a viewing on the night before the funeral. Instead, he had the funeral home staff bring his mother’s body to the church two hours before the funeral service. He also gave anyone who wanted to speak at the funeral service an opportunity. On this blog, I hope you will discover the wonderful ways the staff at a funeral home can help you plan a unique funeral for a loved one.

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Planning A Funeral


Planning a funeral is never an easy process, especially if it's for someone you love. There can be a lot of pressure to ensure that the service runs smoothly and perfectly honors them — which makes it natural to sometimes make mistakes while planning. 

To help make sure you don't stumble along your way, here are some of the most common errors people tend to make when planning funerals — and how best to avoid them.

Overextending Yourself Financially

Planning a funeral can be a difficult and emotional experience, and it's easy to get swept up in the desire to give your loved one the best possible send-off. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead to overspending and overextending yourself financially, which can cause undue stress and hardship. 

One common mistake people make when planning a funeral is to assume that more expensive equals better. They may feel pressure to keep up appearances, impress guests, or honor the deceased's memory by spending more than they can afford. However, this mindset can lead to significant financial strain and regret later on.

People often neglect to consider the long-term financial implications of a funeral. It's easy to focus on the immediate expenses, such as the casket, flowers, and service charges. However, there may be ongoing costs to consider, such as cemetery plot maintenance, headstone upkeep, and memorial fees. 

These expenses can add up quickly and should be factored into your budget when planning a funeral. By considering all costs upfront and prioritizing your financial stability, you can ensure that you don't overextend yourself during this difficult time.

Making Too Many Last-Minute Decisions 

When planning a funeral, make sure that you give yourself enough time. It can be tempting to rush through the process, but this is often when mistakes are made. 

There may be a lot of details to consider and decisions to make, such as vendors to contact, funeral arrangements to discuss, and final wishes to be carried out. You need to give yourself ample time to handle these tasks properly and make informed decisions.

Making too many last-minute decisions can impact the overall atmosphere of the service. Funerals are intended to be a time of mourning, reflection, and closure. However, if too many last-minute decisions have been made, the service may feel disjointed or disorganized, which can detract from the intended purpose of the event. 

By taking the time to carefully plan each aspect of the funeral, mourners can ensure that the service remains focused and respectful, providing a fitting tribute to your loved one.

Contact a funeral home for more information about funeral planning.


18 April 2023